Step 1: Check all Cables and WiFi
Before taking any other steps, make sure that ALL power cords, ethernet cables, etc are securely plugged. This includes any cords running to the back of the devices, adapters in outlets, and any cords plugged into your computer/device. As a precaution, carefully unplug the ethernet cable from the back of your router (the cord is normally in a port by itself) and plug it back in. There should be a light snap sound indicating a proper plug-in. If you are using a wireless device, such as a laptop, tablet, or smartphone, please verify that your WiFi is turned on. Once these are checked, and you are still having issues, proceed to Step 2: Power Cycle your Router.
Step 2: Power Cycle your Router
Locate your Router. Find the power adapter cord on the back and unplug it from the device. Leave it unplugged for 30 seconds to 1 minute before plugging it back in. (DO NOT press the reset button on your router. Doing so will factory reset your router and result in loss of pre-programmed data from JB-Nets.) If the problem still persists, please proceed to Step 3: Locate your POE Device.
Step 3: Locate your POE Device
Find the location of your POE (Power over Ethernet) device. This unit is a small black, white, or gray box and is generally 3 inches x 1 inch in size. It should have a green or white power light on it. It is generally close to the router, sometimes on the floor. You should be able to follow the main ethernet cable on the back of the router to locate it. This device has 2 ethernets and one power adapter cord. Once located, proceed to Step 4: Power Cycle your POE Device.
Step 4: Power Cycle your POE Device
Determine whether this device has a green or white light lit up. If there is no light, a call to your internet provider support is required. If a power light is showing, unplug its power adapter cord and leave it unplugged for 1 -2 minutes. After the allotted time, plug the cord back in and allow an additional 1-2 minutes for the unit to power up. Proceed to Step 5: Check Internet Connection.
Step 5: Check Internet Connection
Once both devices have been power cycled, open up a web browser. Type in any url/web address, such as, and see if you are successfully taken there and it is properly displayed. If so, your issue has been resolved. If not, then continue to Step 6: Check Network Connections.
Step 6: Check Network Connection
Make sure that you are connected to the correct Network. To do this, go into your Start Panel on your computer/laptop. From there choose Control Panel and find Network and Sharing Center. Once there, view the name of your active network and verify it is correct. You may disconnect and reconnect your network to refresh your connection If using a wireless device, such as a tablet or smartphone, you will need to go into your device’s Settings, choose WiFi, and see if you are connected properly. You may also choose your device to forget the connected network and reconnect to it. Please note that you may be asked for your WEP key/password. Once you have checked this, open up a web browser and try typing in a URL/web address again to see if it is successful. If you are still having trouble connecting, please contact your internet provider’s technical support office for further assistance.